Saturday, February 21, 2015

My Weight Loss Journey

Why I am the Happiest and Healthiest I have ever been.

 Let me start off by saying that I've never struggled with my weight. I've always been very healthy and very active. I enjoy eating healthy and exercising regularly but sometimes things change. People change. And life happens. Here is my journey from past to present. I hope you find it inspiring. One thing I have learned from this experience is to never give up on yourself, even when others do. 

So my story begins at the end of my senior year of high school going into my freshman year of college. I was dealing with a lot of personal issues my senior year that were effecting me both emotionally and physically. I felt like I had no one to talk to or confide in. I lost touch with the majority of my friends when I moved from Florida to Pennsylvania, my senior year of high school and my family wasn't much help either. I felt extremely alone and useless. I began putting on weight here and there the Summer before my freshman year of college. Once I started college it was a downward spiral from then on.

August of 2012 right before I left for college, I was weighing in at around 125 pounds, this didn't bother me too much since I had been this weight for quite sometime but I knew the weight was slowly creeping up on me. Being in college I lost track of a lot of things that made me happy. I was dealing with financial issues at the time and of course I was in the process of finding myself. I never in a million years would have thought that college would be such a balancing act. 

Summer of 2013 I noticed a big change not only in my weight but in myself. I had lost so much confidence in everything I did and in everything I was. At this point, I was weighing in at around 140 pounds. This wasn't the "Freshman 15" I was dealing with anymore this was an emotional and physical battle with myself. I couldn't fit into anything anymore, all my old clothes were way to small and I was ultimately in denial. When my Sophomore year of college rolled around I was eating just about anything and everything. I kept saying to myself "I'll never lose the weight and I'll never be a size 0, so why even bother trying." I had ultimately given up on myself. 

April of 2014 I was weighing in at my highest ever—148 pounds. This was completely unacceptable for someone like me who was so petite and small (I am only 5'1) to begin with. My body was basically shutting down at this point. I knew at this point something needed to change. 

May of 2014 is when I stumbled upon Taralynn McNitt's blog. My absolute inspiration.
One night I was watching "The Batchorlette" and browsing "Pinterest" for some new recipes. I found a chicken salad recipe that looked amazing. I clicked on it and it led me to Taralynn's blog. I began reading all about her and her journey. I began trying her recipes out and following some of her weight loss tips. 

Toward the end of July 2014 I was weighing in at 135 pounds. I couldn't believe it. It's amazing what a little healthy eating and exercise can do. From this point forward I was gaining my confidence back. I was eating healthy and working out almost everyday. I felt amazing and my body was happy too.

August of 2014 I was weighing in at my goal weight which at the time was 125 pounds. I could finally fit back into some of my old clothes again. At this point in time I was really starting to feel good about my body but I knew I could do better. 

The weight really started coming off in September, October and November of 2014. Before I knew it I was down to 115 pounds by the time December rolled around. My busy schedule and my workout routine plus eating healthy really helped me lose the weight quickly. I think it's important to stay busy and yet make time for yourself. It is so important to FIND YOUR BALANCE. 
Sure, you can workout everyday and eat healthy but you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If you don't like running on the treadmill or lifting weights, don't do it! Find something else to do. If you don't like celery and lentils, don't eat it! You don't have to do or eat any of those things if you don't want to. I seriously cannot stress that enough. 

When I decided to start losing weight I went through my refrigerator and my cabinets, getting rid of any unhealthy foods. But there were some things I refused to part with because I loved them way to much and let's face it, life is way to short to live off of carrots and celery. Anyways, I think it is important to give a little and take a little. For example, I love cheese so I knew right away that I was not getting rid of it but that meant I needed to get rid of something else in that same food category. So I made the decision to get rid of butter all together. 

The same thing goes for exercise! If you don't like the gym. Don't go to the gym! The gym isn't the only place in the world where you can go to lose weight! I hate the gym. So I opted for the outdoors! There is a park right near my apartment with an amazing trail. I ran/jogged/walked 6 miles everyday on this trail (sometimes every other day) and it was the most relaxing thing in the world. I never felt like I was working out or losing weight, I just felt refreshed! 

 Today, I am 109 pounds and a size 0. I feel amazing in my skin. I could not be happier with my accomplishments. Currently, I am working on building some muscle and toning up before Summer. It has been 2 years since I've put on a bikini and I am so excited to slip one on this Spring when I'm in South Carolina. I am continuing to eat healthy but also enjoy myself! I don't plan on losing anymore weight because I am so satisfied with where I am at now. I hope you all enjoyed my journey so far, if you would like to know more about my healthy habits leave some requests in the comment section down below! And of course if you have a story you would like to share, please do! I love hearing about people's weight loss journeys! 

1 comment:

  1. This is so inspiring!! I really need to get rid of a few pounds (lol) and I have been working at it some! I would love to see posts about your healthy habits and any recipes you love!
    Thanks for sharing!
